What's different about this Blingee?

What's different about this Blingee?
There are at least 8 new things about this Blingee... can you spot them? Fasten your seatbelt, next week, making Blingees is about to go to a whole new level! [come discuss it with us in the Blingee Group: http://blingee.com/group/1/topic/44456-What-s-different-about-this-Blingee- ]
создатель: blingee_team

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Horst50 пишет:

1183 дня назад
hello bt it goes on with blingee we don't get an answer from you i don't think that's okay that you would have let the people down like that i would like an answer from you i'm really angry lg.horst50

Horst50 пишет:

1530 дней назад
why don't you take care of anything all people are waiting dear bt lg.horst

Karinnrw пишет:

1580 дней назад
again my stamps are not counted here only cheating ?????

Karinnrw пишет:

1604 дня назад
hello bt i'm so mad and angry why throw the anymen moderators, don't get out especially these susi1959 my stamps will never be counted completely but everything from this susi1959 will count everything i wonder why ????? count for all people and not only for this susi1959

Karinnrw пишет:

1606 дней назад
hello bt i'm so mad and angry why throw the anymen moderators, don't get out especially these susi1959 my stamps will never be counted completely but everything from this susi1959 will count everything i wonder why ????? count for all people and not only for this susi1959

Karinnrw пишет:

1611 дней назад
why am I always cheated on my stamps

Karinnrw пишет:

1674 дня назад
it starts again that my stamps are not counted thanks bt

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