Jessica Maybal

Jessica Maybal
Jessica Maybel (born in America, USA, May 5, 1998) is an American actress and pop singer.When she is small child, she participated in show.It is smart and talented kids place .There it send in various European countries like Germany, Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Spain and others. She won the race in only 2 of the parties and was forced to return to his native country.Sled they no longer deal with the spelling alone she began to sing and write songs to upload on the Internet. From there starts and career and starting only now. We Jess starred in two films - "The Third World War" (The third world war) - As the rich girl Hope Williams "We now" (We now) - the role of Molly. The song that will hit the market soon is called "In My Dreams" (In my dreams). ==EARLY LIFE == Before you begin to deal with music and movies Jess is a model of a small agency VISAGES.Ot loves to sing with friends.She usually sits for hours at the computer, watching TV, dancing or singing. When she was little always repeating that he wants to become a model of clothes, or teacher, and when has become the 11 told her mother that wants to be Emily singer.Her mum record Jess January in school sings.For Jessica soloist of the song that will sing the great contest "We", she won and signed a contract with Island Records. Anyone except his family does not share the secret of his career singer and actress. ==CAREER== Her career began in 2009 when she went to the "We" and then the competition "Young talents of the world" held in Egypt, the two won the first contest place.Sled it in 2009 from Island Records call, saying that elected Jesse to record the song "In My Dreams." Then in England it is calling a film producer who wants Jess to appear in films for "Third World War" and "We now". She went to Wales, signed the contract, shot the film "The Third World War" which is broadcast cinema. ==FREE TIME== In his free time practicing gymnastics Jess. Moreover, it deals with sports and dancing. It has many activities and hobbies for leisure.
criado por: ANGEL♥☺☻

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