Tragedy Is Like A Blizzard...

Tragedy Is Like A Blizzard...
I felt a bit down lately. But, I'm trying out a few things while I work on my art. I'm about to tell another LONG story from a few years ago. Just take your time while reading it! <3 This has to do with my struggles in life. In 2011, I've mostly messed up a lot on the Internet. While having my YouTube account, I would always ruin someone's life right away and they would blame it on me. Well, back then I used to be a bit of an assertive person back then, 'cause I didn't know the true meaning of life.. xD When doing that, I would apologize and they'll forgive me and say it's going to be okay. During the summer, I've been out a lot and been ditching my friends. I would just cry right away and I don't know why.. When my 5th year of elementary school started, people now say they're just sick and tired of me being a big jerk! Look, I just messed up and didn't know what was I suppose to do! And they'll just block me for what I have done. When December came, someone made a YouTube account trying to pose as me and say that I hate ElizaLPS (or elizaevans)! If you don't know her, she does LPS videos for everyone. Some of you may know her for her best LPS videos, Totally Super. When that hate account was made, people think I made that account. But I didn't! I would never hate Eliza.. She was an inspiration to me since when I was 9. There's this one person who thinks I actually made it.. I don't want to tell you who she is. Keep it this way, please? I kept telling her it was NOT me who made that account. And she called me an awful jerk... I made a big mistake. While I still took my time to investigate the situation, a friend of mine helps me out to stop it! And then the same person's mother told me to stop making fun of her daughter! If I still did, she'll tell YouTube right away and suspend me forever! I recently started to panic right away this shouldn't come up to me! I didn't at least tell my parents that this was happening! I started crying to myself that I want this to be over.. And school.. *sighs* kids would just think I'm too stupid enough to do what's there. A few months later, everything went okay. I felt safe! Around the summer in 2012, me and my friend talks about the situation over. I told her we should stop talking about this "I hate ElizaLPS" situation. For me right now, I would always think, "Every time this stuff appears, it just makes me want to die." or just cut myself. I know you wouldn't think of that, 'cause I wouldn't do that stuff! I say that you guys and my family are the ones who are trying to protect me and stay strong! I'm doing my best to stay strong as well! So, I bet that's all of the story. It inspired me to draw me as a dog (Harmony Random) in a blizzard who would struggle in this situation. Please understand well how I feel. Thank you for reading this, hope you like it, and good night.. <3 :')
criado por: Nintendog...

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Carimbos de Blingee usados

8 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "love is like a butterfly bg".
Sad NintendogDaisy Dog Stamp!
Claw Marks-5-1F, Transparent
Blue- Winter Blizzard ((alwaysanangel69))©®
Please, take me away from here.Alaska©
Broken heart lonely love red deco scrap~NatashaOoak
Background swirl black
Gothic Overlay
Transparent background/overlay

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