A Broken Future..

A Broken Future..
I feel... that I haven't been getting any inspiration lately.. I've been ignored and neglected. No one talks to me online much. I couldn't be able to accomplish a subscriber milestone on my YouTube. And all of this kind of stuff.. Every chance now and then when I get it, I feel I don't get it. They're just gone.. My life and everything is being taken down. How can I stop it..? There's so much ignorant and heartless people out there.. Will there ever be a way? I STILL miss my old friends, memories, and much more.. My friends probably don't treat me the way they used to be anymore.. Why can't I be free..? I hope they still remember me.. But is there going to be a way? Why can't we just have a normal life and world..? *sniff* ANYONE!!! PLEASE ANSWER ME!! I'M CRYING LIKE I HAVE NO IDEA! I FEEL LIKE I'M LIVING IN HELL! Please.. help me.. </3
criado por: Nintendog...

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Carimbos de Blingee usados

8 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "shes layin down in bed with a broken heart".
Broken dreams (white and black transparent quote) [nermai]
If there is a future we want it now (Paramore white and black transparent quote) [nermai]
heart 3 @papermoon666
Claw Marks-5-1F, Transparent
overlay 480x480
Animated background
tulipe:rain window gif background
Gothic Overlay



starcat233 disse:

3658 days atrás
Let the past be gone and continue with the future. Don't let sad and upsetting things get in your way. I feel upset when my friends or even anybody are upset. ♥ =)

FunnyPrincess... disse:

3658 days atrás
I don't cry my friend...:)
It makes me sad, if my friends are sad:(
But I will write with you:D Maybe a Role-Play?:3
Your not alone, you have friends and they will always love you^w^

MsYamiYugi disse:

3658 days atrás

KittyCatRarity disse:

3658 days atrás

nami5657 disse:

3658 days atrás
aaww :( 
its allright..its just a bad day..not a bad life and dont let a bad day make u feel like youll have a bad life ^_^

sparklegirl6688 disse:

3658 days atrás
Awww dont feel sad my friend things in life may be hard and rough and things dont feel the same it feels like everything has changed and everyones different but dont worry we love you there is always hope for every week of rain there is a perfect day of sunshine ;) 5* Love u :) 

NintendogDaisy disse:

3658 days atrás
Quick note to tell you on the description, I did kinda swear.. So, I apologize for saying that.. But it's the truth.. please help me.. </3

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