
I'm Kelsey. I did your mom. Bye!! ...


You block me, you fail
You troll me, you fail
You delete my comments, you fail
You bash my interests, you fail
You bash my friends, you fail
You act like a retard on my page, you fail
You disrespect good music, you fail
You talk about me behind my back, you fail
You insult my sexual orientation, you fail
You say I fail, you fail
You say you win, you fail
You bash my name, you fail
You copy my insults, you fail
You recycle insults, you fail
You think you can fight me, you fail
You act over confident, you fail
You ignore me, you fail

Hello, my name is Kelsey. My friends call me Kels, Gaga, and Alex though. Why Gaga and Alex you ask? Well, I got Gaga for wearing a shirt that said "Gaga for you" on it, and my middle name is Alexandra. Anyway, I like rock, metal, alternative, indie, and crunkcore music. Bring Me The Horizon is my favorite band. My favorite singer would have to be Amy Lee from the Evanescence. I'm bi and I prefer girls more than guys. I'm a really awkward type of person. I'm random when I want to be, but that's usually when I drink Pepsi or coca cola. I always act high off of those beverages. :P

Honestly, I'm 12. I act at least 13 or 14 though. 12 year old's don't stay inside and play hide and seek all day. Time has changed, my friend. I have better taste than most of the kids my age these days. I hate that crap that you call rap and pop. Metal rules forever. I scream a bit, not very good at it though. I'm hoping to get better as I age. I wear thick eyeliner and my skin is still flawless, not trying to brag though. I have a light tan. I'm a bit of a camera whore but I'm not a huge fan of editing pictures. I have tons of accounts on this site, I just don't go on it that much since I don't have the time to delete all my unwanted Blingee designed pictures. But I do have the time to make a new account so that's exactly what I did. ^^ 
Music is a huge part of my life. I like Lady Gaga. I admire that she's not afraid to be herself in front of millions of people. I hate Ke$ha. She looks like she's trying to be Lady Gaga and her music just plain fails. And Justin Bieber is just some sort of a joke. My voice is even deeper than his. I like Slipknot, even though not a lot of people like them I really don't give a fuck. I'm not a hypocrite and I won't hide my opinions about their music. I don't have a lot of friends. My current friends are just horrible. I have a Twitter. Follow me @KellceeSmile I also have a Tumblr. http://forevergryffindor.tumblr.com/ I follow back :3

Any questions? Just ask. ^^

Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 0
  • Distintivos: 1
  • Blingees de ouro: 0
  • Blingees de prata: 0
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 0
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

Kel sheeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh
Hello Kelsey Kitty
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Invisablex3 disse:

5018 days atrás
samee here srry i dnt get on alot .!

Invisablex3 disse:

5038 days atrás
watz gudd??xDD

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