perfil de MelissaLambert

Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 0
  • Distintivos: 5
  • Blingees de ouro: 0
  • Blingees de prata: 0
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 1
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

For Deanna's niece
For Donna
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peacegirl98 disse:

5211 days atrás
hey could u help me cause every time i try to make a blingee it says u need to have an adobe flash player and i cant because my dad said not to so has this happened to ur computer before?

jnaedr disse:

5236 days atrás
please join this group want to start a very large group who will help the EARTH  
tell alllll your friends   thank you very very very much for your support

melodytabby disse:

5267 days atrás
Happy Holidays ^^

justinaizh3r3 disse:

5288 days atrás
plz rate dis :)

kfhst disse:

5395 days atrás
wow cool blingees

aweosme511 disse:

5395 days atrás
hey wats up? i notices u were on so i stopped by to say hey wats up? how ya been? :):):)

aweosme511 disse:

5405 days atrás
ur very welcome :):):)

aweosme511 disse:

5408 days atrás
oh cool..... ya i didnt really relize it either till my friends yoshiepeach told me about it.....

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