

asdfghjik disse:

4400 days atrás
Oddio Gelatina!
Da quanto tempo çwwç ♥
come mai sei sparita? D:

vanessa123vane disse:

4573 days atrás
This is a FRIENDSHIP BALL ♪•*• . Throw it back to someone else who means something to you! A ball is a circle with no beginning, nor end. It keeps us together like our circle of friends ♪•* ¨*•. You received this award because you are highly thought of; because of your kindness, loyalty & character you've shown to friends and peers. In recognition of your true beauty inside & out ....I choose you! i'm bouncing this ball to you 
P.S. Miss you a lot!!

sarina-pikola... disse:

4612 days atrás
Ultima Pagina ;D
E, visto che sei manager..sii un po' più attiva, per favore :3 ♥

trillistella24 disse:

4620 days atrás
Amoree mi manchiii DD:

asdfghjik disse:

4625 days atrás
Tesoro mi manchi da morire D: 

Come stai? <3

Carly0197 disse:

4641 days atrás
Ciauuuuu <3 ♥
Come Va? E' Da tanto ke Non Ti sento <333

vanessa123vane disse:

4647 days atrás
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | >> | 70

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Happy New Year 2023

criado por: beba_zo

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