"You say that now....but you wont..."

"You say that now....but you wont..."
Kara A. Dark sat there crying in on a bench in Central Park. "Why are you crying?" she looked up and saw Shadow the hedgehog. She knew him from school. All of her friends talked about him. They all said that he was so hot. But they were afriad to talk to him because he was anti-social. She looked at him. "Scourge....just left me....He slapped me..." She started bawling again. Shadow sat down and wrapped his arms around her. "Shhhh....It's alright. He isnt your type anyway. You can do better than him." She looked at him. "Are you good enough for me?" She asked. "No....You deserve better than me." He replide. She started crying harder. "Relax..." He said as he stood up. Kara cried harder. "No man loves me anymore...." She choked. "You may say that now...But you wont when i tell you that I love you Kara A. Dark. I want to be your lover. It is your choice weither or not i may have that honor. I do want you to love me. Because I love you...Every time i see your smile, the pain i feel lifts away. Everytime i see you cry...i want to cry too. Everytime i see you in pain...i want to sooth your suffering. Everytime i saw you in his arms...i wanted to die. Now, i'm on my knees...asking you to be mine." He said as he held out a rose and smiled at her. Tears rolled down Kara's face. "Shadow...That was beautiful...Everytime i saw you...my heart flew away. Everytime i saw you down...i wanted to cry...everytime i saw you smile a little, i wanted to smile with you...everytime i heard a small chuckle, i wanted to make you laugh. Now here you are on you knees begging me to be yours. I want you to know that I love you too Shadow the hedgehog..." She said as she jumped into his arms. "I would crawl across this world for you...do anything you want me too, no matter what remember...i belong to you..." He whispered to...Me....
作成者: ShadowsGi...


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"shadow the hedgehog"の作成に使われた4コのグラフィック
White Glitter Pattern
White Glitter
Glitter Stars Transparent AT
red glow




4546日 前
How did you change it so PERFECT.


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