vintage lady,s wish

vintage lady,s wish
criado por: compie34

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Carimbos de Blingee usados

8 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "vintage lady".
zima  christmas xmas star
background-decoration-my stamp
frame -k♥-
Moon Grey Animated by Mary***



drobles394394 disse:

5084 days atrás
lovely and i likeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. saved 2 my favs

SunMoonStars disse:

5138 days atrás
wonderful job! I love the vintage look. Very classy. You my friend a 5*

smokeyeyes disse:

5140 days atrás
This is so beautiful, I love her eyes, she is so beautiful and this was a good pick to blingees, awesome. Please join my circle of friends, and have a great day. Hugs for you.

Memawshewa disse:

5142 days atrás
Also, you can tell by how many blingees they have made, or how many badges they have as to whether they too, are fairly new at this, and may want to consider having you in their circle.

I believe it is a manner of learning others' 'styles' and using what you like about their style, and then putting it to good use for your own blingee.  Plus, you get more reviews, share more, more badges, etc.

  Not a bad thing, I don't think.  Certainly you don't have the brain blocks that I still have.♥

Memawshewa disse:

5142 days atrás
One way that has helped me to learn is to go to "voting" for the comps and then if I see one that really intrigues me, I go to that person's name at the bottom.

If their provile is not set to private, you can view how they made their blingees to give you (actually me, as you don't have my problem) more ideas, plus collect more stamps, etc.

Memawshewa disse:

5142 days atrás
Marvelous! Have you considered 'joining' more circles of friend so that you can share your blingees more world wide?  Don't know if it matters to you, but you are really good at this and could be sharing your talent more! Have a wonderful evening:)

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