See No Evil (Eye Implants)

See No Evil (Eye Implants)
954 Eye Popping post, See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil Before watching this video on a guy removing his eye ball consider what a neat little doorway this is to your brain and eyesight. Pop it back in and it is all sealed up. One sick bastard traveled around the country popping peoples eyeballs out and then breaking the bone out behind the eyeball where he would then use a drill to make scrambled eggs of the patients brain. When he was all done he just popped that little plug back in. They called this a lobotomy and was done for the greater good. A retinal implant can be installed easily and then you just pop the eye back in place. As TI's we wonder what might have been done to us when unconscious. We know they know our unspoken thoughts through subvocal but they also know what we see. Did those bastards pop my eyes out and put a retinal implant in? They had me out for 30 hrs. Then there are the usual orifices, mouth(tooth implants), nose(Katz video implants in sinuses), ears(cochlear implants).......(ouch) penis/vagina and rectum. When I woke strapped to a gurney outside a hospital and was read the state laws on, "Involuntary Commitment", I didn't know how screwed I was. In Retinitis pigmentosa disease, the retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) begin to die out and the person starts loosing the vision gradually. Since the function of the retina to transduce light into biological signal is weakened, it causes blindness. Subretinal implant is used to substitute the lost RPE cells with the ones of artificial basis to restore the vision. In this implant, a microphotodiode array (MPD), a silicon micromanufactured device, or semiconductor microphotodiode array (SMA) is used. This piece of equipment is placed behind the retina between the sclera and the bipolar cells. The incident light is transformed into electrical potentials that excite the bipolar cells to form an image sensation. The general design of replacement of degenerated or lost photoreceptors by MPDA is shown in figure 2. There are specific priorities which must be taken care by subretinal implant in order to be functioning well to restore the vision: the devise has to be biocompatible so that it would be used for long-term performance. (Maynard, E. M., et al. 2001) Fig. 2: General design of replacement of degenerated or lost photoreceptors by a MPDA which is positioned into the subretinal space. (Schubert, MB, et al. "Subretinal Implants for the Recovery of Vision." Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1999 IEEE International Conference on 4 (1999)) The arrays can be manufactured by various silicon manufacturing procedures. MPD arrays are manufactured consistently with measurements of each stimulating unit as 20 µm X 20 µm, and adjacent units separated as 10 µm. The elements are produced to be responsive to light corresponding to the visible spectrum (400-700 nm). Several thousands of the devices can be placed on a single structure of diameter of 3 mm, thickness of 100 µm and with a density same as the replacing RPE cells. These devices have demonstrates the same electrophysiological behaviors as the healthy RPE cells. (Maynard, E. M., et al. 2001) The MPDA has to be very thin and flexible enough in order to be able to fit to the curvature of the eye ball. Figure 3 shows an example of such an ultra thin MPDA having a thickness of 1.5 micron, together with titanium substrate and silicon nitride passivation. Read the links below: Peter Rosenholm
erstellt von: aliceiris711

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aliceiris711 sagt:

Vor 4971 days!EFEC9ADE324BC356!803.entry

aliceiris711 sagt:

Vor 4971 days
 Read the links below:   Peter Rosenholm

Great site on Retinal implants.    Nice image of Implant


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