
Imagination THE CHARIOT-Basic Card Symbols : Triumphal "car" (chariot), armored warrior, sun/moon symbols, lingam and yoni symbol (the encircled rod on the winged shield), black and white sphinxes/lions/horses, sometimes at rest. A canopy of stars and sometimes a throne inside the car. (Basic Tarot Story) The Fool is close to completing what she set out to create long ago, back when the Magician revealed those tools to her. But enemies are now standing in her way, devious human enemies, bad circumstances, even confusion in her own mind. There's no more forward momentum; she feels she is fighting just to stay where she is. Walking along the shore, watching the waves come in, she puzzles over how to defeat these enemies and get things moving forward once again. It is here that she comes across a charioteer, standing in his gold and silver chariot, his black and white steeds at rest. "You seem a victorious warrior," the Fool remarks. "I feel beset by my enemies, unable to move forward. What should I do? "First, you must armor yourself," the Charioteer strikes the chariot and then his breastplate with a gauntleted fist, making both ring out. "Next, you must focus on your goal, where do you mean to go, what do you mean to do." The warrior nods to his beasts. "Your steeds keep the wheels turning, but it is your control and direction of them that gets them to their destination. Dark and light, they must be made to draw in harmony, under your guidance." The Fool nods. That makes sense. "What if an someone or something gets in your way?" The Charioteer coolly meets the Fool's gaze. "You run them down. Your aim is victory, and to be victorious you must have unwavering confidence in your cause. Never question, never doubt what you're trying to achieve. Never lose your focus or your motivation." The Fool is impressed and inspired. SHe thinks she now knows how to get past all the distractions and setbacks that have been keeping her trapped in place, like a riptide in the ocean. She thanks the warrior, but before she leaves, the warrior stares at the Fool. "One thing more you should keep in mind," he says, "Victory is not the end, it is the beginning. Remember that before you decide to enter into any contest." (
criado por: BanDirect...

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Storm backg.
Sky clouds
artemia transparent
Butterfly In A Jar: By 4r13s



BanDirectEner... disse:

4161 days atrás
From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, "I have survived." 

The Fool  09'

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