Forever yours

Forever yours
When I first met you we were young and I fell deeply and madly in love with you. I knew that you were the one I wasn't going to let slip past my finger tips and I'm glad that we had the chance to get to know each other. I tried finding ways to rid of my love for you with many different people but they could never replace that love I had strongly felt for you so long ago, soon after I gave in to that love and wanted nothing more then to be your lady , your goddess and anything you wanted me to be. I'm happy we're married and I will be by your side forever and eternity , my love for you is and always will be truer then any other love I have ever had towards anybody because you are my light , my safe haven, my reason to be me and my one and only love.
作成者: XxGoddess...


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"forever yours"の作成に使われた9コのグラフィック
♥Glitter Background♥
liebespaar paar liebe gothic fantasie
couple - by CinthiaKR13
gothic couple love vampire
Silver Glitter Corner
I Love You!
red glitter
Simple White Pattern


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