
He laughed and she asked whats funny?
He explained to her not much, then tickled her tummy.
He picked her up, her legs wrapped around him,
eskimo kisses were the sweetest thing to them.

He placed her down and grabbed her hand,
whispered in her ear, he was proud to be her man.
Told the boys she was his lady, told the girls he was her guy,
swore to her to never tell a lie.

They sip from the same straw, 
and eat with the same spoon,
days go by and nights too soon.
They make love in the morning,
and cuddle at night,
people are envious because they seem so right.

They write love letters when far apart,
they share the same stories within their heart.
They wear promise rings on the same finger,
knowing that their love will linger.

She laughed, and he asked whats funny?
She explained to him not much, then called him honey.
She gave him a big hug, his arms wrapped around her waist,
bear hugs to them felt like the safest place.

She let go and gave him a kiss,
whispered in his ear, 'she couldn't get better then this.'
Told the girls, he was her man. Told the boys she was taken,
swore to him she'd never mistaken.

There is love if you really believe,
look at different couples and you'll see.
True love doesn't hide nor envy.
True love is a constant flow,
when you find it, you will know.

They walk away from the rest of the world together,
happy or mad stays behind,
nothing else matters because,
they have eachother.

BY: Sheena Beaulieu

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  • Distintivos: 40
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  • Contribuições de carimbos: 24
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tikayhill disse:

5556 days atrás
HeY! I came back to answer your question...I find my graphics all over the place, in photobucket, wikipedia, peoples bogs...etc. I try to always give the name of the original artist but i dn't always know. Always be kind of aware of copyrights, a person cn be sued for using other foks reason I dont have a siggy...the artist is more important than me, i figure~
Since im usually just embellishing the art of others ...i try to be very aware of that lit'l fact!

tikayhill disse:

5557 days atrás
Hi!!! I love your poem, here....outstanding!
i write too. Thanks for being a new friend. I will come soon and see your stuff, i am busy in three places right now..well uploadin' stamps in here in two windows and doing transparencies in lunapic at the same time....time waits for no one, they say~ ;0)

BaByBiRbA94 disse:

5562 days atrás
can you join in this? it's about emo love.. If you want you can put some blingee about this. hi

Darkangel2008d disse:

5562 days atrás
ciao il 2 concorso nel gruppo EMO è cominciato! partecipa anke tu!! ti asp! ecco il link: ciau..

alepena94 disse:

5564 days atrás
What does that mean??????

alepena94 disse:

5566 days atrás
how was you doin' today?

AviaSunanda disse:

5566 days atrás
THANXxxx,i really appriaciate <;)
happy greetz Avia Sunanda^^

aly_pink disse:

5576 days atrás
eii ciao t volevo ricordare che nel mio gruppo è appena cominciato un concorso... ti aspetto!! il link è questo:

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