
hi hope we can be friends!
i love webkinz,bunnies,puppies and kittens and cats.i am actually a fifth grader and have a lot of friends.my style is a tomboy,punk.i have a d.s. and love music!drawing is one of the greatest things on earth! i enjoy it and am one of the best drawers in my class! i like hello kitty,converse,disney cuties,demi lavato,joe jonas,popcorn,soup (top ramen ravioli etc.), and mac and cheese.
i accept ALL friend invites,and will reply to all my mail! ☻♥° 
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Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 0
  • Distintivos: 16
  • Blingees de ouro: 0
  • Blingees de prata: 1
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 0
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

demi duck
pucca rocks!!1
Exibir mais



jessixox602 disse:

5488 days atrás
cute blingees!

sportygirl213 disse:

5492 days atrás
hey kelsey its nice to meet u too =]]

sportygirl213 disse:

5493 days atrás
hey wats up, im alicia. 

lilrockergirl474 disse:

5493 days atrás
You're really nice too

lilrockergirl474 disse:

5493 days atrás
Thanks that's the first time anyone has told me that before :D

lilrockergirl474 disse:

5496 days atrás
Thanks for the friend invite!!!! :D I really like your blingees especially the Demi duck one and the one with the two puppies that look like huskies and their sorta kissing :p What's up?

milkymoomoo disse:

5497 days atrás
Awww. . .  u sound so sweet. . . i'll happily accept u a a friend! ^-^

swtjade disse:

5497 days atrás
ur very welcome

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