

lichtmehr sagt:

Vor 4636 Tage
!!!!!wow - spectaculary my dear!!!!!
    * Bewertung: 363
    * Stimmen: 1322
    * Anzahl Matchups: 30
    * Anzahl der Siege: 16
many kisses, nettchen

4nothing sagt:

Vor 4705 Tage
On my profile & my fav

4nothing sagt:

Vor 4705 Tage
thank you too my sweet friend
I haven't been online lately because I was on a vacation too..
Have a great day & I love it

charu_rappel sagt:

Vor 4709 Tage
thank you...my sweety... i love it 5

mjs1010 sagt:

Vor 4709 Tage
Hello Mary Ann,thanks,it is beautiful,i have no words for it,wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,big hug,greetings jose.

gooblegirl sagt:

Vor 4710 Tage
Wow, this is beautiful Mari Ann, love it so much. What an amazing gift. I always look forward to seeing your creations and sharing your thoughts and artistry. Sending a big hug for you my friend!!

arentine sagt:

Vor 4710 Tage
Thank you very much! wonderful creation!
big hugs!

Fairyirish04 sagt:

Vor 4711 Tage
This is so awesome, great construction, and i LOVE that violin/rose, so dark and beautiful! 5*****:) Thank you, beautiful Art!
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Im Rampenlicht

Merry Christmas

erstellt von: beba_zo

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