The last breath part 1

The last breath part 1
So Kate, Lizzy (Elizabeth's nickname) and Andy's owner got attacked by a bear they both rushed to save her and they both saved her life but at a cost Elizabeth was fatally wounded in the fight and her legs are broken Kate is badly injured as well and her legs are shattered to pieces (the bones in her leg not the skin)they are all lost in the woods for over 3 days, will Elizabeth and Kate survive or will one or both of them die? Just read all the parts and you'll find out also Kate can speak with animals all of them so she can talk with Andy and Elizabeth just fine Elizabeth: *collapses in the water after the fight* Andy: Elizabeth! Kate: LIZZY! *tries to run over to ehr but is unable too her legs are broken* Andy: Elizabeth please don't be dead , don't be dead! Kate: No Liz you can't do this to us I'll never be the same if you die! *gorans and touches her side* Andy: I will never forgive myself if you atre dead! Elizabeth: *raises her head* A-Andy, K-Kate Andy: Elizabeth! Elizabeth: *looks at him weakly* I love you Andy: *nuzzles her* I love you too so, so much! Elizabeth: *smiles and lets her head fall to the ground* Andy: *catches her and puts her head down softly to prevent head trauma* Please be alright Lizzy! Kate: *tries to drag herself on her arms closer to them* Andy: Oh Kate your legs they're shattered! Kate: I know but I don't care about my legs I care about Elizabeth more Elizabeth: Thank you Kate thank you Andy: Yes Kate you're the best owner any animal could ask for!
criado por: Regentvice

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12 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "friends the last one part 1".
Brown Glitter Starry Background_
Dark Brown Glitter_
Tiger Stripes Glitter Background  **db**
Wavy Gold Red Glitter__
orange yellow swirls
bright ocean blue glitter ink background ²u
Simple Black Pattern



BrightDawnPack disse:

4160 days atrás
awwww thats sadd T^T' but watt a PERFECT pair they arre <333

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