I don't sufer from insanity i enjoy every minute of it

I am a NARUTARD! Hellz yeah I said it. N-A-R-U-T-A-R-D!I am crazed about anime! Anime owns all of you! >_> And so does Kirby, b/c Kirby is kickass, even though he is pink. I also like tokyo mew mew *Kisshu needs a shower scene!* Sailormoon, Dragon Ball Z, Mermaid Melody, Inu yasha, the list goes on. Blah. I also am a very VERY random person, who can't spell -_-', and I like/ like to do, random things. Life is more fun that way, full of surprises, and random BANGS.;p OH, and before I forget, Itachi and Deidara need shower scenes, I mean Orochimaru got one and he isn't even hot, so they should get shower scenes >_> or at least NARUTO can get one. I mean really, giving a pedophile a shower scene on a childeren show, GOD! Just so you people know, Orochimaru=pedophile king of anime.


  • Nombre de fois mis en vedette: 0
  • Badges: 7
  • Blingees Palme d'or: 2
  • Blingees Palme d'argent: 5
  • Contributions de Stamps: 742
  • Cartes postales: 0

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Kyoko and Ren
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kim225 dit:

Il y a 5415 jours
hi! wanna be friends???

Darlingg dit:

Il y a 5448 jours

Darlingg dit:

Il y a 5449 jours
hi^^ would u like to join this group?

PIPLUP15 dit:

Il y a 5642 jours
Maybe could you join my group? 


If not thats ok! ^^

Meganmis2cute dit:

Il y a 5884 jours
Tankz 4 the add!!! -^^-

Tiger_Gem_xo dit:

Il y a 5946 jours
First, I'm good thx for askin! ^_^
Second thx for the complaments

cuteie818 dit:

Il y a 5947 jours
i love the inuyasha blingees

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