? ipods & mp3s/mp4s ?

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bericht verzonden: 5837 dagen geleden
could you live without your mp3/mp4 player / ipod?!?
bericht verzonden: 5837 dagen geleden
no!! could not go through school without mine!!
bericht verzonden: 5836 dagen geleden
me neither! ^_^  i swear life wouldnt be worth living if i didnt have mine! no kidding. 
one day i came into school without it. and everyone asked if i was feeling ok! im serious! =] thats how bad i am! lol
bericht verzonden: 5835 dagen geleden
NO! My best friend is my iPod.
bericht verzonden: 5832 dagen geleden
nopsss.....i wanna live widout ma mp3.......i luv it....ma time pass......luvin it.....dun want to losin it....n 
bericht verzonden: 5825 dagen geleden
nope i licve on ma ipod
bericht verzonden: 5825 dagen geleden
i know what an mp3 and an ipod is but whats an mp4
bericht verzonden: 5822 dagen geleden
it like plays videos as well as music or somthin dunno! =] 
YAY I GOT A NEW IPOD!!! now im even more obbesed lol XD
bericht verzonden: 5814 dagen geleden
Absolutly not! I've got the new ipod touch and it's amazing! I have so many songs on there. I listen to it almost 24/7.
bericht verzonden: 5814 dagen geleden
grr your sooo lucky... my brother has one too and always brags about it *sigh* well i HAVE an ipod nano so its not so bad i guess ^_^
bericht verzonden: 5813 dagen geleden
The battery dies hella quick though. It sucks.
bericht verzonden: 5812 dagen geleden
My ZEN is my best friend I couldnt live without it
bericht verzonden: 5812 dagen geleden
um whats a zen? =s
bericht verzonden: 5808 dagen geleden
no!! not really..i listen 2 my mp3 until it diez out!! :)
bericht verzonden: 5800 dagen geleden
r u kidding me? i go EVERYWHERE with my iPod sometimes sleep while listening to music :D
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Anime Geisha ►43951269

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