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Neko Power
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wilfried1947 메시지:

830일 전
I have explained again the instructions for creating blingees only for the PaleMoon browser and Flash-Player on my next page: https://bln.gs/b/29z8lr

wilfried1947 메시지:

1050일 전

Bien sûr, vous pouvez toujours créer des blingees. J'ai décrit plusieurs façons de créer des blingees sur ma page de profil. Je recommanderais le navigateur Pale Moon aux français, c'est en français et installez le lecteur Flash, décrit sur ma page en bas et est également en français. Flash player est une exigence pour Blingee !!!

mariefrancois... 메시지:

1097일 전
bonjour toutes le monde est j'ai picmixcom comme on ne peut plus créer ici moi j'ai garde le méme nom la bas c'est mariefrancoisebastien bonne journée Marie

AkiraMarbela 메시지:

1202일 전
For various reasons, we have had difficulties in blingee due to flash, and although they have announced the unfortunate closure, I want to be positive.
I will always be grateful to blingee for letting me meet you and be part of your friends.
I will be on the site that several have moved to (PicMix) with the same user (AkiraMarbela).
Once again, thank you, I'll keep coming in and keep an eye out for things to change on the fantastic site. Take care and see you. Hugs.
† AkiraMar †

kelsoelisyo 메시지:

1213일 전
My dear Animefee, i just discovered a way to keep having Flash on Blingee. First of all, you need to download a 32 bits Flash Player Version (even if your computer demands 64 bits). Here is the link to download it: Flash Player [Zippyshare] - https://bit.ly/3oFFVPL . After that, you will need to download Pale Moon Browser, because this option still allows Flash Player. Here is the link to download it (download it from the European region to it works): https://www.palemoon.org/download.shtml

BBB338 메시지:

1215일 전
Happy Healthy New Year 2021!
Dear Friend,

For safety of your computer, from possible hackers,  Adobe says to uninstall Adobe Flash Player by 12-1-2021 (Jan. 12, 2021). Already 3 countries in Europe that I know of BLOCKED-Flash Player-Germany, Italy, and Poland. Here is the link to the warning I got: 


Important to read this page! I uninstalled mine! Hopefully, Blingee finds a solution soon!
I am Mollycat2020 on pixmix!

REGINA62 메시지:

1227일 전

댓글을 남기고 싶은가요?

Blingee에 가입하기 (무료 계정용),
로그인 (이미 회원인 경우).