Hallöle X)

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.♥ (¯`·´¯)
..♥ .`·.,(¯`·´¯)
...♥ (¯`·´¯).·´ ..
....♥ .`·.,.·´
Schickt Spiderschwein an alle
Menschen die ihr glücklich machen
wollt :D
Grund: Spiderschwein will die ganze Welt erobern :D

Spider Pig sends to all 
People who make her happy 
want: D 
Reason: Spider Pig wants to conquer the whole world: D



Wie ich bin:

Alter :15

Lieblingsmusik: Rock, Punck, Metal und ähnliches

Lieblingsspruch: Servus Erdnuss 

Beste Freundin in real: Christiane Uhshia

Lieblingsessen: Ich esse alles was man essen kann 

Lieblingstier: Schlange

Lieblinsfilm: Naruto Move 1-3

Lieblingssport: Basketball

Lieblingsserie: Naruto und Avatar

Was mache ich am liebsten: Tanzen, Schlafen, Blingee, Naruto schauen und Anime zeichnen 


As I am: 

Age: 15 

Favorite music: rock, Punck, metal and the like 

Favorite motto: Servus Peanut 

Best friend in real terms: Christiane Uhshia 

Favorite food: I eat everything you can eat 

Favorite animal: snake 

Lieblinsfilm: Move Naruto 1-3 

Favorite sports: Basketball 

Favorite Series: Naruto and Avatar 

What do I like: dancing, sleeping, Blingee, Naruto anime look and draw

Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 0
  • Distintivos: 24
  • Blingees de ouro: 0
  • Blingees de prata: 16
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 67
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

lulu und dani
lulu und dani
Exibir mais



kakashi_lover... disse:

5463 dias atrás
Hey, why couldn't talk to me ? I've been waiting and triying to give you some time to talk to me ,but i see how it is. Bye 

Vittoria30 disse:

5465 dias atrás
spargi la voce e entra nel mio gruppo anke tu cioè le raga


kakashi_lover... disse:

5475 dias atrás
Hey, long time no speak. What have you been doing these days? Me just here at house always at youtube. I am just bored of being right hear and just on the computer almost all day everyday. So i guess i will talk to you later 

kakashi_lover... disse:

5553 dias atrás
Hey what are you doin i have ben anoyed by my sister she gives me a headace all the time just talk to me later see you  later .XD

suukaa disse:

5584 dias atrás
Oii tudo bem? me aceita no seu circulo de amigos?

Anime-freak-G... disse:

5600 dias atrás
sag ma wie änderert man sein Bild 0.0?

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