hi go to this website below:

if you go there, you`ll be at my youtube page :D

OK, first, my pets. I have 2 dogs, Jazzy who is three, she`s a drama queen but veryyy roxy. Maggie, who is 9 months old (we adopted her) she is a german short haired pointer and is as sweet as can be! Now, my crazy, insane, psycho parakeets. Rikki, who is a scaredy bird but really cute!!! He`s blue, black, white, and his little face is yellow! Lacey, who is total tomboy!!! She`s a brat sometimes, really outgoing, FREE SPIRITED, and is the ruler of everything she sees! And last but not least, my little crayfish, Bubba. He`s really funny, he likes to look out the holes of his cave! He`s not full grown yet, he`s still a teen, but I wuv him!!! 
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ALSO, rest in peace Annie, you were with me ever since I was born! July 14, of 2008 was the saddest day of my life =`(
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R.I.P Sally and Corn my guinea pigs, Hermy, my hermit crab, Pinchers (aka Baby Pinchy) my baby crayfish. He died so young =`( and Annie.
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Here`s some other things I like!
I`m insane about parakeets!!!
Cockateils (i`m encouraging my parents to get me one lol)
lil skinny snakes
daddy long legs
Miniature Horses
Breyers (traditonal model horses)
YOUTUBE!!!!!! (www.youtube.com/Meerkaty101)
Filming, stompotions, animations, ect.

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  • Distintivos: 3
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  • Contribuições de carimbos: 2,424
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

Forever wolf friends
i love cockateils
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5754 days atrás
be nice or be banned

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