perfil de pturner31

I love music and animals. I love to read books. I also like to draw in my spare time. I am a big time animal lover. My fav colors are Black purple and silver.I also LOVE Sailor Moon! She Rocks! Serena And Darien Are Solid! I LOVE their Story! If there Is Anyone who is on Foopets please look me up. Darkwillow-Skyclan

I am mostly like Serena from Sailor Moon because I can be a ditz and a clutz at times, but when it comes to my friends and family I will fight til the end. My friends and family mean soo much to me, and my guy would walk to the ends of the earth and back for me. And he would stand and fight for me if he had too. And I feel the same way about him! I believe very strongly in family. And I also believe that LOVE is more important than money! Yes having money is nice but if you didn't have love then you would just be miserable and grumpy all the time. But if you had very little money but a whole lot of love then you are rich because you have love and family. Also I believe that the bigger the family the closer you are to them. Maybe it is just me but this is what my family has taught me.

My friends blingees:


Hello Kitty
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__________$$$$$§§§$$§§$§_ LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON AND 
__E_____($$$$$$$§§§$$§§$§§_(§§)_ ARE SAD THAT HE 
________($$$$$$$$$$$$§§$$__$§§$)_.... DIED!(R.I.P.):(
§§§§§§§$$§§$§§§§         THE BEST FOR EVER
__§§§§§§§§§$§§$_§§§          R.I.P  M.J
______________\___§$§§$_\_____§§§§ ________________\__§§§§§_§§__§§§§$
____________________§§§$§§___§$§§§§_♫ ♥ ♪ MICHAEL JACKSON FOREVER ♪ ♥ ♫ 

I invite all Sailor Moon fans to join my group.

Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 13
  • Distintivos: 45
  • Blingees de ouro: 25
  • Blingees de prata: 78
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 11
  • Cartões postais: 0

Meus itens em competições

Best Friends
I don't need your approval!
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♦Dia♦ disse:

4345 days atrás
you are welcome ^^ and I do it when I have time.

blueprincess7500 disse:

4345 days atrás
i like soul eater, fairy tail, pandora hearts, death note, angel beats, full metal alchemist, and alot more!!i actually haven't tried watching sailor moon....

blueprincess7500 disse:

4345 days atrás
wow that sounds awesome!!! whats your favorite anime?

blueprincess7500 disse:

4346 days atrás
hiya! do you like anime?

Ladywillie disse:

4484 days atrás
Well My New Friend PTurner, I'm very happy 4 u & congrats on going back to college & getting re-married. Not many are forunate to fine true love 2x in a lifetime. I wish u all the luck & happinees for a new beginning my friend.
Take care & stay blessed!!!

pturner31 disse:

4484 days atrás
Thankyou Very much I am living in Indianapolis Divorced and getting ready to start college and no kids but engaged to be married to a wonderful guy that I love whole heartedly

Ladywillie disse:

4485 days atrás
Hi PTurner,
Welcome to my circle of friends! I Love MJ & most of my friends do too, if u don't, it ok stay as long as u like. I'm glad ur here with us. I like to get to know my friends so, plz tell me a lil about urself. About me, I'm a mother of 3 grown kids all in their 20's & I have 6 grandkids. I only speak English & Spanish but I only read English. I live in New York City.

kaylin9tucker disse:

4485 days atrás
yea it has been awhile, how have you been

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